Lirik lagu Will i.m - Scream & Shout (feat. Brithney Spears) yang ada di bawah ini adalah hak cipta / hak milik dari pengarang, artis, dan label musik yang bersangkutan. Seluruh media, termasuk syair, lirik lagu, ringtone, kord / kunci gitar, serta video klip (official YouTube) Will i.m - Scream & Shout (feat. Brithney Spears) yang tersedia di situs ini tentang lirik lagu Will i.m - Scream & Shout (feat. Brithney Spears) hanyalah untuk keperluan promosi dan evaluasi. Kami juga tidak menyediakan file MP3 di server kami. Jika Anda suka dengan single ini , belilah kaset / CD atau nada sambung pribadi (NSP/RBT)-nya untuk mendukung artis / penyanyi / grup band yang bersangkutan agar terus berkarya.

Lirik Lagu Will i.m - Scream & Shout (feat. Brithney Spears)

Bring the action...

When you hear this in the club

You gotta turn the shit up

You gotta turn the shit up

You gotta turn the shit up

When we up in the club

All eyes on usAll eyes on us

All eyes on usSee the boys in the club

They watching us

They watching us

They watching us

Everybody in the club

All eyes on us

All eyes on us

All eyes on us

I wanna scream and shout, and let it all out

And scream and shout, and let it out

We saying, oh wee oh wee oh wee oh wee oh

We saying, oh wee oh wee oh wee oh wee oh

I wanna scream and shout, and let it all out

And scream and shout, and let it out

We saying, oh wee oh wee oh wee oh wee oh

You are now rocking with Will.I.Am and Britney, bitch

[beat break]

Oh yeah....

Bring the action

Rock and roll, everybody let's lose control

All the bottom we let it go

Going fast, we ain't going slow, no

Hear the beat, now let's hit the floor

Drink it up, and then drink some more

Light it up, and let's let it blow

Hey yo, rock it out, rock it now

If you know what we talking 'bout

Turn it up, and burn down the house, hooouse

Hey yo, turn it up, and don't turn it down

Here we go, we gon shake the ground

Cause everywhere that we go we BRING THE ACTION

When you hear this in the club

You gotta turn the shit up

You gotta turn the shit up

You gotta turn the shit up

When we up in the club

All eyes on us

All eyes on us

All eyes on us

You see them girls in the club

They looking at us

They looking at us

They looking at us

Everybody in the club

All eyes on usAll eyes on us

All eyes on us

I wanna scream and shout, and let it all out

And scream and shout, and let it out

We saying, oh wee oh wee oh wee oh wee oh

We saying, oh wee oh wee oh wee oh wee oh

I wanna scream and shout, and let it all out

And scream and shout, and let it out

We saying, oh wee oh wee oh wee oh wee oh

You are now rocking with Will.I.Am and Britney, bitch

[beat break]

Oh yeah....

It goes on and on and on and on

When me and you party together

I wish this night would last forever

Cause I was feeling down, now I'm feeling better

And maybe it goes on and on and on and on

When me and you party together

I wish this night would last forever, ever, ever, ever

I wanna scream and shout, and let it all outAnd scream and shout, and let it out

We saying, oh wee oh wee oh wee oh wee oh

We saying, oh wee oh wee oh wee oh wee oh

I wanna scream and shout, and let it all out

And scream and shout, and let it out

We saying, oh wee oh wee oh wee oh wee oh

I wanna scream and shout, and let it all out

And scream and shout, and let it out

We saying, oh wee oh wee oh

You are now rocking with Will.I.Am and Britney, bitch

Video Klip Will i.m - Scream & Shout (feat. Brithney Spears

Semoga info yang kami sampaikan tentang lirik lagu Will i.m - Scream & Shout (feat. Brithney Spears) bisa menjadi kesukaan anda, dan selalu dukung artis, pengarang lagu, syair, grup band untuk bisa terus berkarya di belantika musik Indonesia.

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